
Sunday, June 24, 2012

NYAN CAT's report card (The teacher is not chrissie)

Nyan cat has been making my children laugh all day long. as a teacher I would expell Nyan cat but that is the Principal's job. nyan cat sort of has a way of singing really fast and it leaves a trail of rainbows behind him. If I were queen of the world, I would punish all of the Nyan cats like British nyan cat who has a monocle, Japanese nyan cat that has a head band, french nyan cat who has a hat, German nyan cat who is in the Oktoberfest every second and Mexican nyan cat who has a taco as a body. But what annoys me most is the music. Infact, I shall call hatsune miku, the one who made nyan cat's music right now.

"what is it I have got a show in 1 minuet! please leave a message." OK, that didn't go down so well. anyway if you would like to see how annoying he is go to this link:
if you want to see the original (hatsune miku) go to this

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